Falcon Football Alumni
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Check out our historical forum of recent team pictures and results.
Check out our historical forum of recent team pictures and results.
We are looking for an AHS Football Alumni coordinator!
Idea's include: welcome tent at homecoming games, yearly newsletter and reach out to our alumni community.
Interested? Contact the Touchdown Club at [email protected]
Looking for more alumni information? Visit Armstrong High School Alumni website
Idea's include: welcome tent at homecoming games, yearly newsletter and reach out to our alumni community.
Interested? Contact the Touchdown Club at [email protected]
Looking for more alumni information? Visit Armstrong High School Alumni website
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Hall of Fame
All Conference1970 - J. Haugen, R. Kraner, M. Malkovich, P. Corrick, B. Budish, D. Doshan
1971 - J. Smith, J. Haugen, R. Hultgren, B. Johnson 1972 - S. Jensen, C. Eyberg, B. Johnson, C. Heino 1973 - R. Norton, S. Parks, F. Bahr, P. McCally 1975 - T. Goettsche, T. Phillips 1976 - B. Moore, S. Flolid, E. Olson, T. Belden, S. Kingdom 1977 - T. Beldon, E. Olson, K. Smith 1979 - K. Graber, B. Lenarz 1980 - S. Barber, J. Audette, G. Burandt, P. Gundermann, P. Smith 1983 - S. Budish, R. Cobb, D. Holtz, D. Howell, L. Martini, M. Mooney 1984 - F. Estes, D. Blair 1985 - D. Vaske, S. Wallace, J. Polcho 1987 - B. Peterson, J. Kirchoff, D. Husfeldt, S. McIntyre 1988 - S. WIllock 1989 - M. Vandersall 1990 - T. Anderson 1991 - J. Bradford, L. Gilbert 1992 - D. Lamker, J. Savage 1993 - M. Griffith 1994 - B. Johnson, M. Holder, M. Bramwell 1995 - A. Stormoen, J. Phillips, D. Retzlaff, S. Schellsmidt, T. Farrell, A. Luckeroth 1996 - RJ Richens, P. O'Leary, R. Gilbert, J. Murphy 1997 - J. Barkley, T. Erickson, B. Hoops, P. O'Leary, Y. Slowon 1998 - J. Barkley, C. VanderLinden, B. Maggitt, M. Grossman, J. McKenzie, S. Ray 1999 - A. Richins, L. Morris, RC Johnson, D. LeFevre, J. Ditzner 2000 - B. Barlow, R. Cairns, D. LeFevre, J. Pomerleau, J. Linden 2001 - D. Ginther, T. Franklin, N. Foster, B. Johnson, B. Kirkbride 2002 - E. Pedescleaux, B. Peterson, M. VanDierendonck, B. Wiberg 2003 - P. Knutson, J. Potts, B. Eckel, E. Pedescleaux, B. Roth, E. Scarnes, E. Ellestad 2006 - D. Gilreath, J. Vann, Q. Williams, P. Barlow 2007 - S. Priscella, A. Zeller, J. Latzka 2008 - T. Fahnbullen, T. Vogt, M. Mann 2009 - Morgan Hampel, Joe Lewis, Erik Ruhland, Chris Larson 2010 - Jake Damiani, Prince Kanu, Brock Molden 2011 - Justin Wheaton, Mark Senst, Evan Aaron, Dan Scalzo, Christian Willner 2012 - Ethan Carpenter, Jesse Kuusisto, Otis Gaye 2013 - Quinn Frizell |
Captains1970 - Jeff Smith, Jerry Haugen
1971 - Jeff Smith, Jerry Haugen 1972 - Bob Bird, Chuck Eyerg, Brian Johnson 1973 - Park McCally, Roger Norton 1974 - Bobby Hendrickson, Todd Weber 1975 - Benn Belden, Steve Knutson 1976 - Bill Moore, John Schulz 1977 - Tony Belden, Ed Olson 1978 - Greg LaFrance, Pat McDonough 1979* - Dave Nash, Ken Graber, Brad Lenarz 1980* - Tom Mansen, Ed Togel, Peter Gundermann 1981 - Jeff Rahm, Kevin Ronsen 1982 - Dana DeClouet, Greg Flolid, Rich Gustafson, Jeff Luikert 1983 -Lee Martini, Rodney Cobb, Mark Mooney 1984 - Pete Schmeling, Scott Wu 1985 - Chris Hansen, Mike Reilly, Dennis Vaske 1986 - Pat Hall, Bill Riviere 1987 - Dan Husfeldt, Brian Peterson 1988 - Brian Boeder, Scott Willock, Matt Nigon, Tom Gundeman 1989 - Mark Vandersall 1990 - Trent Anderson, Doug Kottke 1991 - Matt Dargis, Lateef Gilbert, Chad Harwig 1992 - Aaron Pfeiffer, Tom Morgan 1993 - Matt Griffith 1994 - Ben Jonsson, Eric Stormoen 1995 - Tim Farrell, Nick Schneider, Adam Stormoen, Andy Long 1996 - RJ Richins, Jim Murphy, Matt HOward, Jason Usgaard 1997* - Ty Whitney, Ryan Mattson, Carl Robinson 1998 - Jake Barkley, Brian Crosby, Jake Girard, Chuck VanderLinden 1999 - Aaron Richins, Jason Ditzner, Luke Morris, Zach Gartner 2000 - Brian Barlow, Dan LeFevre, Josh Pomerliau, Jack VanderLinden 2001 - Nick Foster, Tommy Franklin, Darren Ginther, Jimmy Mullen 2002 - Alvin Mitchell, Brian Neuman, Ben Peterson 2003 - Jason Potts, Everette Pedescleaux, Paul Schmidt, Mark Schwandt 2004 - Dan Forsyth, Bryan Trulen, Mike Tatone, Brock Peniata 2005 - Devin Iriho, Jason Carlson, Eric Ellestad, Joey Mossberg 2006 - Dominique Hawkins, Zach Hollinsworth, Jake Vann, John Young 2007 - Phillip Barlow, Matt Lewis, Anthony Parks, Wes Hoefer 2008 - Joe Lewis, Wilfred Pagod, Mike Mann, Matt Bailey 2009 - Joe Lewis, Wilfred Pagod, Erik Ruhland, Tyler Picken, Rico Barrozo 2010 - Justin Wheaton, Jake Damiani, Ujay Green, Cal Ness, Brock Molden, Dan Nelson 2011 - Denzel Anderson, Daniel Scalzo, Robby Tanner, Justin Wheaton, Earl Young 2012 - Otis Gaye, Jeremiah Thayer, Jesse Kuusisto, Jackson Holte, Chris Haugen 2013 - Josh Malcolm, Aaron Houg, Quinn Frisell, Ryan Casperson 2014 - Thomas Barber, Dexter Betts, Nate Oelke, Tre Tate, Jack Wozniak 2015 - Thomas Barber, Jack Leius, Tommy Larson, True Thompson, Malik Besseck, Chance Bowen *Conference Champions |